Why Mice and Rats Are Brake-in Artists?

Why Mice and Rats Are Brake-in Artists?  

Our Local Exterminator Knows Where the Entryways of Your Most Unwanted Guests Are

Mice and rats invade houses in order to escape the cold weather. When the summer is over, more and more homeowners will start complaining they have rodent infestations. This is why we have decided to dedicate this post to rodent removal. The most common entry points for mice according to our local exterminator are:

  • Cracks in doors and windows which are not sealed well

  • Garages, attics and basements

  • Sewer and drain pipes

  • Vents

While rats can enter a home through openings which are ¾ of an inch, mice need a lot less space – only about ¼ of an inch (the size of a small button). The advantage of the rats, however, is that they can jump 2 feet high and 4 feet to the side, while mice can jump only 1 foot high. Another advantage of rats in comparison to mice is that they can swim underwater for as long as 30 seconds. This time is long enough to enter through the water traps of drains and toilets.

Savvy scavengers

Rats venture up to 300 feet away from their nests to search for water and food. Mice are also quite adventurous as they will venture up to 33 feet from their nests in order to find something to eat. Both mice and rats can eat just about everything (even tree bark and insects). They sharpen their teeth on metal, glass, rock, plastic, and wood.

Population explosion

Rodents reproduce so fast that, unless you hire a local exterminator immediately after you notice signs of their presence, you can end up being surrounded by mice in every corner of your home. A female mouse can produce more than 10 pups each month. And it will only take this pup about a month to start reproducing themselves.

If you want to stay protected from the diseases which mice and rats transmit, then do not wait long before you call a pest control specialist. Those of you who have rodent problems on the territory of Glendale, AZ can contact the trustworthy exterminator – Phoenix Exterminating Co Inc. Dial (602) 248-9355, and one of our agents will offer a personalized price offer for you!

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